Define pluck up courage pluck up courage synonyms, pluck up courage pronunciation, pluck up courage translation, English dictionary definition of pluck up courage hrabrost coraggio 勇気 용기 moed mot odwaga coragem отвага mod ความกล้าหาญ cesaret sự can đảm 勇气名词时勇气动词时拔掉 编曲中cute pluck是什么意思 : pluck类合成电子乐器,cute英文意思是可爱,可能只是描述起来方便,私人起的并无特指pluck指的是弹拨类乐器,音时值短民乐中琵琶,古筝都属于这一类 jerk,pinch,pluck的区别是什么?「pluck(勇气) 等级e 特殊效果:①佩戴者精神防御微弱增加 ②放置在店内幸运值1 留言:黑骑士布拉霍————乔纳森,我要将刻在这把剑上的话送给你,luck(幸运)!并且让这个与你共同迎向未来!pluck(勇气)!

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Pluck 中文 勇气
Pluck 中文 勇气-Pluck英 plʌk 美 plʌkn 勇气;内脏;快而猛的拉vt 摘;拔;扯vi 拉;拽;扯 编曲中cute pluck是什么意思 pluck类合成电子乐器,cute英文意思是可爱,可能只是描述起来方便,私人起的并无特指pluck指的是弹拨类乐器,音时值短民乐中琵琶,古筝都属于这一类Pluck feathers from a chicken;

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翻译 to pluck up 鼓劲 pluck up the courage 鼓起勇气 directly pluck up cannula 直接除管法 pluck up our heart 打起精神 Pluck Up By The Roots 连根拔除 更多 收起 网络短语Pluck up courage 鼓起勇气 ;To pull something, especially with a sudden movement, in order to remove it
胆量 dǎn liàng It took a lot of pluck for Agatha to get back on the horse after her nasty fall 阿加莎十分有勇气,从马上摔得那么惨,还敢再次爬上马背。 pluck n noun Refers to鼓 起勇氣 / 鼓 起勇气 ― gǔqǐ yǒngqì8 pluck 勇气 She showed a lot of pluck in standing up to her boss 她顶撞老板显示出了很大的勇气。 9 sand 勇气,胆量 She had more sand in her than any girl I ever see 她比我认识的任何女孩都更有勇气。 (中国日报网英语点津 杜娟)
胆量 dǎn liàng Climbing that cliff without a rope takes a lot of guts 不带保护绳索去爬那座峭壁需要很大的勇气。 pluck n noun Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc informal, dated (courage) 勇气 yǒng qìTo pluck中文翻译 拔掉 be full of pluck中文翻译 很有勇气 play;具有骑士精神,佩服乔纳森的勇气而和乔纳森决斗,最后被乔纳森击败并感化。 临终前感觉到痛楚和作为人类的喜悦,向乔纳森表达敬意,遂将女王赐给自己的 配剑 刻著的「LUCK(幸运)」,抹上自己的血液写成的「P」组成「PLUCK(勇气)」 真有个P

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Start studying 六级 Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study toolsPluck cowardice 勇气 怯弱 pluckish coward 勇气 胆小 pluck spineless 勇气 没有勇气的 注:词性不符 pluck craven 勇敢 懦弱 Synonyms COURAGE, cojones, dauntlessness, guts, heart, mettle, resolution, spirit, spunkPluck n noun Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc informal, dated (courage) 勇气 yǒng qì

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8 pluck 勇气 She showed a lot of pluck in standing up to her boss 她顶撞老板显示出了很大的勇气。 9 sand 勇气,胆量 She had more sand in her than any girl I ever see 她比我认识的任何女孩都更有勇气。 (中国日报网英语点津 杜娟)Pluck中文翻译 弹奏 pluck a pass中文翻译 抢断球 pluck a pigeon中文翻译 诈骗傻瓜的钱 pluck a thorn中文翻译 拔刺 pluck apples中文翻译 摘苹果 pluck at the chance中文翻译 抢机会 pluck away中文翻译 扯去, 撕去Chinese Translation of "pluck" The official Collins EnglishChinese Dictionary online Over 100,000 Chinese translations of English words and phrases

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Wēixiǎn) If you pluck a fruit, flower, or leaf, you take it between your fingers and pull it in order to remove it from its stalk where it is growing I plucked a lemon from the treeLook up the English to Chinese translation of pluck in the PONS online dictionary Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation functionPluckily 大胆地,有勇气地 n pluck 勇气;内脏;快而猛的拉 vi pluck 拉;拽;扯 vt pluck 摘;拔;扯 双语例句 权威例句 The real Tom

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1 It took me about two hours to pluck up courage to call 我用了大约2个小时才鼓起勇气打电话。 来自柯林斯例句 2 He is full of pluck 他很有勇气 来自《简明英汉词典》 3 Little companies are known for their pluck and perseverance, even in the face of a recessionPlucked a rabbit from the hat 摘一朵花;拔鸡毛;从帽子里抓出一只免子来 he was the very personification of British pluck and diplomacyPluck up (the) courage (to do sth) 鼓起勇气(做某事) to make yourself do sth even though you are afraid to do it


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勇气;胆量;决心 If you say that someone has pluck, you mean that they show courage and determination when they are in a difficult or frightening situation pluck在线翻译 eg Little companies are known for their pluck and perseverance, even in the face of a recession胆量 dǎn liàng It took a lot of pluck for Agatha to get back on the horse: jerk dVEk n性情古怪的人

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Pluck什么意思,pluck翻译 基本解释 v 摘;拔;采摘;拔掉 n 胆识;胆量;意志 网络 勇气;拉;鼓起 权威解释 摘;拔 to pull out hairs with your fingers or with tweezers 拔掉,退去(死禽的毛) to pull the feathers off a dead bird, for example a chicken, in order to prepare it for cookingStart studying Harrison Bergeron Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools2 the act of pulling and releasing a taut cord v 1 pull or pull out sharply 2 sell something to or obtain something from by energetic and especially underhanded activity 3 rip off;

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5 释义 pluck up (the) courage (to do sth), to force yourself to be brave and do something you are afraid of doing 鼓起勇气(做某事),振作精神(做某事) 例句 He finally plucked up enough courage to ask her out 他终于鼓起勇气约她出去。 6Pluck the instrument once per second to keep the note'fresh'while you aer tuning Little companies are known for their pluck and perseverance, even in the face of a recession It took me about two hours to pluck up courage to callHe felt a pluck on the fishing line 他感到鱼钩拉了一下。 She showed a lot of pluck in dealing with the intruders 她对付那些闯入的歹徒表现得十分勇敢。 He showed a lot of pluck to leave a safe job and set up his own business 他放弃了一份安定的工作而自己创业,表现出了极大的勇气。

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Ask an unreasonable price 4 pull lightly but sharply with a plucking motion「pluck(勇气) 等级e 特殊效果:①佩戴者精神防御微弱增加 ②放置在店内幸运值1 留言:黑骑士布拉霍————乔纳森,我要将刻在这把剑上的话送给你,luck(幸运)!并且让这个与你共同迎向未来!pluck(勇气)!Pluck的词汇搭配 pluck up 鼓起勇气 pluck up courage 鼓起勇气(奋勇) pluck away 扯破(拉开 pluck down 拆毁 pluck up one's courage 鼓起勇气 pluck table 多价血清 pluck a pass 抢断球 pluck out 拔出 pluck at 拽 pluck off 扯去(撕去) pluck a pigeon 诈骗傻瓜的钱财 pluck up by the roots 连根拔起

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Pluck中文翻译 vt 1拨,扯 (羽毛等);采,摘,掏 (花、果实)。 2拉,拖,拉下,拖开。 3鼓起 (勇气等) (up)。 4〔口语〕抢,夺 (away;Translations in context of pluck out in EnglishChinese from Reverso Context Sales of CD albums are declining thanks to illegal filesharing and the rise of digital download services such as iTunes, which allow listeners to pluck out the best tracks― to pluck up courage 最 痛苦 的,莫過於 你 所 愛 的 那個 人 並不 知道 你 愛 他,而 你 也 沒有勇氣讓 他 知道。 MSC, trad 最 痛苦 的,莫过于 你 所 爱 的 那个 人 并不 知道 你 爱 他,而 你 也 没有勇气让 他 知道。 MSC, simp

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Plucking these morsels from their habitat, however, is often a violent affair that destroys other denizens of the deep 然而 , 从 海底 捞 出 这些 佳肴 通常 却 会 对 其他 海底 生物 带来 暴力 的 破坏 。The child kept plucking at his mother's sleeve The kitchen maid stopped plucking the chicken 厨娘也不收拾鸡了。 Courage is it love, but not plucking 勇气,是爱它,却不摘它。He felt a pluck on the fishing line 他感到鱼钩拉了一下。 She showed a lot of pluck in dealing with the intruders 她对付那些闯入的歹徒表现得十分勇敢。 He showed a lot of pluck to leave a safe job and set up his own business 他放弃了一份安定的工作而自己创业,表现出了极大的勇气。

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(= courage) 勇气(氣) (yǒngqì) to be plucked from danger 脱(脫)离(離)危险(險) (tuōlí

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